
About the Guide
The Internet is probably the best invention to help the misanthrope in his or her day-to-day life. Thanks to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, we can do our banking without having to suffer a conversation with the friendly, happy-to-help bank manager. We can buy clothes without having to tell shop assistants 'I'm fine, thanks' every few seconds, and without the worry of whether there is a hidden camera in the changing rooms. We can 'socialise' with our friends without having to look interested and having to awkwardly look them in the eye; unless you're unlucky enough to both own a webcam, in which case, you can have the TV on in the background and not wear any trousers. We can even find people willing to have sex with us using the Internet.

As a misanthrope you're not going to like having to go outside, especially to a place where there are going to be people; and lots of them.

And if you're a misanthrope living in a city with a population of around 8 million, namely London, you're going to need help getting around and surviving life in the capital without having to resort to killing.

About the Writer
I'm Stuart and I'm a serial blogger. The latest in a long line is A Misanthrope's Guide to London. However, unlike others, this has a useful purpose. You are currently reading my University Dissertation; lucky you.

However, with this comes a great responsibility. I need feedback from you. I need to know what I'm doing wrong. What I am doing right. What I should include. What I should perhaps not include. I need your constructive criticism. You can leave it wherever you want, whether it's on a blog post, on Twitter, to my face, in an email or via carrier pigeon.

There is one rule people giving me criticism must follow: Don't make me cry.

I thank you very much in advance.

And hey, if you really like what you read, then share it on the Internet. Tell you flatmates, your friends, your family and your pets. Put a link on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or other social media site. Write the web address in your Christmas cards. Or perhaps consider petty crime and graffiti it on a wall in an underpass.

Further Information
I have now completed A Misanthrope's Guide to London, handed it in, and I am currently at the mercy of my lecturers who are marking it. I have received generally positive feedback in relation to the project, with most people letting me know how it has made them laugh. In that sense, this makes it a triumph.

Many changes have been made between the posting the articles online, and what I submitted. Therefore, just in case anyone was interested in reading how it looked finally, I have posted the completed version on the blog. Look at the tabs above.

Also, along with the final pieces, I have added the comic drawings which accompanied them. These were produced by my dear friend Chris Parsons, who's other creations can be found at the following website: http://unimaginedramblings.tumblr.com/

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